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Dr. Newall Introduces a New Technique for Thigh Lipo

Dr. German Newall, Houston plastic surgeon and founding partner at the Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery in Houston, has developed a new technique for thigh liposuction to give patients better results.

The thighs are a common problem area for women, as females tend to store more fat in their thighs, hips and buttocks. As women age, the body gradually stores more fat in these select areas, because they contain large amounts of insulin receptors on the fat cells.

Liposuction of the inner thighs and outer thighs (saddlebags) has become an increasingly popular request for the plastic surgeon in Houston. However, depending on the patient’s skin and fat, sometime thigh lipo can result in dimpling of the skin or an uneven surface appearance.

Thighplasty Before and After Pictures Houston, TX

To solve this problem, Dr. Newall has developed a new technique for thigh liposuction that gives better results. The dimpling and unevenness is from the cannula used to suction out the fat. Even the most experienced surgeons cannot completely prevent the cannula from leaving lines or bumps, so Dr. Newall had to get creative to fix this issue. After removing the desired amount of fat, Dr. Newall grafts a thin layer of fat back into the leg in a fanning motion to create a smooth surface on top of the treated area.

Thighplasty Before and After Pictures Houston, TX

He has treated more than 20 patients with this method with no complications and all of the patients have been very pleased with the results. Browse Dr. Newall’s liposuction before and after photos. 

For additional information on this Houston Plastic Surgeon article, please contact:

Abigail Brooks

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